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Releases in chronological order


Crush On You

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Crush On You (Unplugged Version)

Spotify Soundcloud Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Ceol Mor Highlands

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy



Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Beneath The Baobab

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Sky so blue

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Make Your Own Way

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Feeling Alive

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


When I'm Gone

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy


Lonely Together

Spotify Soundcloud iTunes Amazon Music Jangi Radio Sellfy
All Entries


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About Me

I'm a passionate music enthusiast who has been in love with the melodious charm of the keyboard for over 40 years. Nestled in the heart of Germany, my journey in music has been nothing short of extraordinary.

As a devoted fan of the legendary band RUSH, my musical tastes have always leaned towards the progressive and not the mainstream. This admiration reflects in my own music, which is a vibrant tapestry of genres ranging from pop and rock to songwriter styles, blended seamlessly into a unique mix that is all my own. What truly sets my music apart is its authenticity. Every note you hear and every word you feel in my songs stems from my personal experiences and emotions. I take pride in the fact that all my songs are self-composed, both in music and lyrics. This creative process is not just an artistic endeavor for me; it's a way of sharing a piece of my soul with the world.

So, whether you're a fellow music aficionado or just someone who appreciates good tunes, I invite you to explore my compositions. Let's embark on this melodious journey together!


"Fire" RadioAirplay.com Review Read

"Fire" is an exciting new release from German artist, OnTheEdge. This track features an energetic pop/rock sound that seamlessly blends shimmering modern synths and distorted electric guitars with a driving rock rhythm section. Angelic female vocals deliver passionate lyrics, meticulously stacked and layered to create lavishly swirling harmonies, while an extended guitar solo section provides a gritty rock element. Its highly danceable rhythms, soaring melodies and slick production style make OnTheEdge's "Fire" an easy recommendation for any contemporary pop/rock or pop fan.

Full Review

"Lonely Together" RadioAirplay.com Review Read

With its sterling performances, beautifully crafted textures, and compelling melodic nuances, On The Edge's thoroughly absorbing "Lonely Together" paints a picture of a relationship that has deteriorated over time, leaving its protagonists feeling isolated and disconnected despite being physically together. It's a poignant exploration of loneliness within a relationship, capturing the complexities of emotional disconnection and the gradual erosion of love over time, and thanks to detail-rich songwriting and the deeply absorbing nature of the arrangement, these themes are infused with a profound level of both gravitas and complexity, resulting in a thoroughly compelling listening experience that many can appreciate.

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"When I'm Gone" RadioAirplay.com Review Read

Having already reviewed On The Edge's fantastical alternative progressive rock track "Lonely Together", which I thoroughly enjoyed may I add, it's safe to say I went into "Sky So Blue" with rather high expectations, and lo and behold, those expectations were most certainly met. Whereas "Lonely Together" leaned heavily into its prog/alternative rock roots, "Sky So Blue" adopts a predominately fusion-esque sense of musical character, seamlessly blending jazz, funk, soul, and rock genres to glorious effect. Whether it's the atmospheric synth textures, jazzy sax flourishes, soulful organ elements, or funky groove-laden bass hooks, a fantastic concoction of sonic diversity has been cooked up, and thanks to the superb performances and detail-rich production, "Sky So Blue" can deliver a deeply rewarding listening experience, one that many a music aficionado can enjoy.

Full Review

"Sky So Blue" RadioAirplay.com Review Read

Having already reviewed On The Edge's fantastical alternative progressive rock track "Lonely Together", which I thoroughly enjoyed may I add, it's safe to say I went into "Sky So Blue" with rather high expectations, and lo and behold, those expectations were most certainly met. Whereas "Lonely Together" leaned heavily into its prog/alternative rock roots, "Sky So Blue" adopts a predominately fusion-esque sense of musical character, seamlessly blending jazz, funk, soul, and rock genres to glorious effect. Whether it's the atmospheric synth textures, jazzy sax flourishes, soulful organ elements, or funky groove-laden bass hooks, a fantastic concoction of sonic diversity has been cooked up, and thanks to the superb performances and detail-rich production, "Sky So Blue" can deliver a deeply rewarding listening experience, one that many a music aficionado can enjoy.

Full Review

"The Garden" RadioAirplay.com Review Read

I've had the great pleasure of reviewing a previous track by talented songwriter/producer OnTheEdge and similar to how I was mightily impressed and taken by their high level of musicianship and passion for the craft then, I find myself equally enamored by their latest offering, the beautiful balladesque "The Garden". Serving as a compelling reflection on the passage of time and the enduring power of memories, the track paints a richly detailed picture of a cherished place where dreams were born and hearts were entwined, where the innocence of youth and the wisdom of age converge in a timeless dance of love and longing. You could say the imagery of a garden is used as a metaphor for childhood innocence and the enduring nature of memories, and thanks to the lushly layered nature of the arrangement, the excellent performances, and the sweeping melodies, "The Garden" presents listeners with an enveloping listening experience, one of that will linger in the memory for some time to come.

Full Review